Friday 1 January 2016

2016 - Let the Story Continue

The change of year is always a time of reflection, a time of looking back at where our journey has taken us throughout the year and looking forward to where our journey will continue. Another way of looking at life is as a story, our own personal story that continues to build, with characters entering and leaving throughout the pages. How has your story played out this year?

2015 - Chapters Closed

As we look back on the year it will be evident that some chapters have been closed completely. Some of these will bring joy and relief such as years of study coming to a successful end, or moving from a job you were unhappy with. Some will come with deep hurt and great pain, such as the loss of a loved one or the end of a long term relationship. My family has felt this pain with the loss of my dearly loved mother. I owe much of who I am today to my mother and it is a chapter I close with much sadness.

2015 - New Stories Begin

As is the case with most years, 2015 saw the start of many new stories, from the births of new little ones to the marriages of those close to us. We have been so pleased to share in the joy of dear friends as new babies came in to the world and we have been especially pleased to see our wonderful son Steve married to the lovely Ange. Marriage is a little different in that it is is the merging of two stories in to one new story. Perhaps it is a bit like a sequel to the stories that have gone before.

One aspect that I know I often underestimate is the impact that new friends make to our journey. In life, we will make new connections and friendships that have the potential to influence our stories in ways we can hardly imagine. There is wisdom in assessing the company we keep, either in person or online, if we wish to maintain our own sense of well-being and indeed our very integrity. It is not for no reason that the Bible warns "Bad company corrupts good character." (1Cor15:33b - interestingly quoting a Greek Poet - Menander). I have made many new connections over the year, both in person and online, and I appreciate and respect each and every one of them.

2016 - New Chapters

My plans for 2016 are still formulating, so in that sense the new chapters are very much at the initial draft stage. One thing is certain - I do plan to write more blog posts. I hope that in some small way, what I write will resonate with those who read it. Other things in the pipeline for me include:

  1. Be more connected to my wife and family
  2. Be more encouraging to those who I connect with
  3. Be more open to try new things
  4. Read more
  5. Be more committed to the garden
  6. Love more, laugh often and live well.
Have you made any plans for the year ahead? Feel free to share them in the comments below. 

I hope that 2016 is a fantastic year for you. No matter what twists and turns, surprises and unexpected events that may come your way, try always to look to the positive, focus on that which is good. It may not prevent bad things from happening but it will help us have peace in the journey.

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