Wednesday 1 June 2011

And so the journey begins.

Welcome to my Blog. It has been a long time coming but hopefully it will bring a smile and a laugh here and there. Who knows, I just may post something that just manages to touch the heart in such a way that may even bring a tear to the eye.

For those who may be wondering about the title of the blog, it is a traditional Irish welcome that translates pretty much to 'A thousand welcomes'. My desire is that you will feel welcome, leave a comment or two here or there and return again from time to time to continue to share what I expect will be a random collection of wit, wisdom and experience from the life and times of one Michael Young.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes to all,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michael,
    congratulations on 'biting the bullet' and beginning your blog. May you spend many happy hours on here sharing your wit and wisdom!

    Helen Calder
